
Hello, i am TransitClips a public transport content creator out the Netherlands

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This four-part 6400 locomotive from db cargo passes Hulten

I was together with @trainclipsnl 

#fyp #viral #trainspotting #tranitclips #trainclipsnl #train #photography #trainphotography #trainphoto
SLT and DDZ on Utrecht central station. DDZ goes to Rotterdam central station via Gouda and this SLT went as empty mat but unfortunately I owe you the direction.

πŸ“ŒUtrecht Central Station track 7A
πŸ“Έ Canon 2000D with the EF-S 18-55mm lens #treinkiekje #ns #trainspotters #trainspotting #trains #canon #canon2000d #2000d #canonphotography #trainphotography #publictransport #publictransit #trainsitclips
This ICNG-B did not come via Noordenkempen this time due to work but via Essen just over the border at Roosendaal.
This photo was taken during the Golden Hour in the evening and I was here together with @nettrains spotting for 1 hour. The return ticket cost us only 5 euros so definitely recommended for you too #goldenhour #fyp #viral #icng #belgie #belguim #essen #icng #alstom #coradiastream #treinkiekje #transitclips #trainspotting
I came across this old tram at Amsterdam Central Station on the side of the station square

I thought it was great that the Amsterdam transport company GVB still uses these old trams

#tsnathan #gvb #gvbamsterdam #amsterdam #fyp #viral #tram #publictransport #werkenbijgvb #netherlands #openbaarvervoer #netherlands #train #trainspotting
The entire Team of TS Nathan wish you, your family, friends and people around you. A very merry Christmas, healthy and happy 2025

#2024 #2025 #happynewyear #christmas #christmastime #Happy2025 #NDND #tsnathan #santaclaus
This ICNG was waiting for a better signal image to continue towards Breda as an empty train
#fyp #icng #tilburg #ns #viral #netherlands #trainspotting #tsnathan #trainspotter #trains
Rond om de werkzaamheden rond om de lange weken rond om Amersfoort Centraal reed Van Der Wou Tours mee met TVV in opdracht van Transvision en NS 

Op een van de dagen was het super mooi weer en is deze foto op de pauze plek bij hotel Bastion in Bunnik 

#tvv #nsbus #ns #treinkiekje #ikbeneentrein #vanderwou #vanderwoutours #amersfoort #treinvervangendvervoer #touringcar #scania #scaniabus #touringhd #scaniatouringhd #12mbus #bus #vdw #touringcars #touring #touringbus #touringbuses #train #prorail #prorailwerkzaamheden #prorailstations
πŸ‡³πŸ‡±: Super toffe dag gehad met @trainclipsnl en hebben wij deze brute locomotief gespot 

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ: Had a super cool day with @trainclipsnl and spotted this brutal locomotive
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ English under the Dutch text. 

πŸ‡³πŸ‡±: VSM BR 23 076 kwam langs Soest en dacht dit is wel een geschikt plaatje om op instragram te plaatsen 
na wat bewerking van de foto want die dag was echt super donker en weer zat niet mee komt deze als nog er heel goed uit 
Ik was deze dag met onder andere @trainclipsnl ,
ik was die dag eigenlijk niet van plan om te reizen met de trein maar heb er tot de dag van vandaag geen spijt van dat ik ben gaan reizen met Gino 

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ: VSM BR 23 076 passed by Soest and thought this would be a suitable picture to post on Instagram 
After some editing of the photo because that day was really dark and the weather was bad, it still comes out very well 
This day I was with @trainclipsnl , among others 
I actually didn't plan to travel by train that day, but to this day I don't regret traveling with Gino 

πŸ“·: iPhone 11 - 26 mm Lens -- Ζ’1.8 -- ISO 32 – 31MM 
πŸ“: Grote Melmweg Soest πŸ‡³πŸ‡± 
🧏: @ts_nathan

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